Events 2017
Wendy Hinman is an adventurer and the award-winning author of two sea stories, Tightwads on the Loose and Sea Trials. An inspiring and entertaining speaker, Wendy Hinman presents programs on pursuing your dreams, sailing and otherwise. Practical advice for turning your hopes into reality. She has an entertaining slideshow about her seven-year Pacific adventure. Contact her about presenting to your group or book club today. info(at)

Here’s what events are planned for 2017 so far. Please check back as this page is updated regularly as events are scheduled.
2017 Events: (in calendar order)
Seattle Boat Show, various times and presentations January 27-February 4, 2017
Ocean Adventurer Series, Vancouver Bluewater Cruising Association, Feb 17, 2017
Corinthian Yacht Club Seattle, March 9, 2017, 6pm Social 7pm presentation
Ravenna Third Place Books March 16, 2017, 7pm Pre-release party
Shilshole Bay Yacht Club, March 21 7pm at Ivars on Lake Union, Presentation
Magnolia Bookstore Signing April 1, 2017, 3pm LAUNCH DAY
Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show, various times and presentations April 6-10, 2017
Avenidas Village April 13, 2017, 10am Palo Alto, CA
Corinthian Yacht Club of San Francisco in Tiburon, CA April 13, 2017, 6pm Social
Silicon Valley Council for the Blind, April 15, 2017, 10am, Palo Alto
KSER, Live Radio Interview with Ed Bremer on 90.7 in Everett, April 21, 2017, 4-5pm
KPTZ, Live Radio Interview with Phil Andrus on 91.9 in Port Townsend, April 28, 2017, 1pm
West Seattle Kiwanis, May 3, 1017 6:30pm, 4217 SW Oregon
Eagle Harbor Book Company, May 4, 1017 7pm
Airing of KNKX Sound Effect segment “Turning Point” featuring the shipwreck, May 13, 1017 7pm
NW Women in Boating, May 15 7pm
Village Books, June 9 7pm
Port Ludlow Yacht Club, June 10 4-5pm
East Coast Tour–Boston, Cape Code, Mystic Seaport, Marblehead: June 2017, Specific dates and times TBA
Titcomb Books in East Sandwich on Cape Cod, June 16 2-3pm 20 minute talk and signing.
Eight Cousins Books in Falmouth, MA on Cape Cod, June 17, 2-4pm in store book signing.
Cape Cod Maritime Museum in Hyannis Port on Cape Cod, June 19 4:30-6pm Presentation and book signing.
Savoy Bookshop in Westerly, Rhode Island, Saturday, June 24 3-5pm in store book signing.
Private Book Club Discussion in Jamaica Plain, Outside of Boston, Sunday June 25 6pm
Atria Woodbriar in Falmouth on Cape Cod, June 26 11:30 am Presentation and book signing.
Grove Manor in Braintree, MA, June 19 2:30-3:30pm Presentation and book signing.
Essex Maritime Museum in Essex, MA, June 29 6-8pm Presentation and book signing.
Wooden Boat Show, Mystic, CT, June 30 10-6pm
Leavenworth Library, July 8 presentation 6:30-7:30pm, Leavenworth
A Book for All Season, July 9 Signing 1-3pm, Leavenworth
Liberty Bay Books, Monday July 3 3pm Independence Day raft-up shore side event
Indie Author Day, Aug 19 1-5pm; Come support authors, the people who actually write the books
Queen Anne Book Company, August 24 7pm Presentation and signing
Wooden Boat Festival, September 9-11, 2017 Port Townsend WA, Various presentations
Puget Sound Cruising Club, September 15, 2017 North Seattle Community College
Wooden Boat Festival, September 9-11, 2017 Port Townsend WA, Various presentations
Cruisers University, Annapolis Boat Show, October 13, 2017, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
Cruising Club of America PNW, November 13, 2017, Seattle Yacht Club
Seattle Sail and Power Squadron, Nov 16, 2017 at 6pm at Queen City Yacht Club
Indies First: Support your local Bookstore; Saturday, Nov 24 Various Seattle Area Bookstores
2018 Events: (in calendar order)
Seattle Boat Show, various times and presentations January 26-February 3, 2018
NW Maritime Center Port Townsend, Speaker Series, February 15th, 2018 5-7pm
Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show, various times and presentations April 12-15, 2018
Eldredge Public Library, June 19, 2018, 7pm, Chatham, MA
Wooden Boat Festival, September 2018 Port Townsend WA, Various presentations
Vancouver Ocean Adventurer Series Bluewater February 17th