The Sailing Podcast Interviews Wendy Hinman

The Sailing Podcast LogoA listener named Tom contacted David Anderson of the Sailing Podcast to say:

“I have been reading Wendy Hinman’s great book, “Tightwads on the Loose: A Seven-Year Pacific Odyssey” and I think she’d be a great guest on your show. Wendy seems like she has all the elements that you like to highlight in your podcasts: a great adventure story, lots of detailed advice on how to cruise, and many entertaining stories. She’s back from her 7-year trip with her husband, and now they’re building their new dream boat to go out again, so I’m sure there’s some interesting stories there that haven’t been told yet. I sure would like to hear more about them and their plans. Can you try to see if you can get her on your podcast? You have a wonderful knack of drawing out such great stories!”

Request granted.

Listen to Wendy Hinman’s interview with David Anderson of the Sailing Podcast.

Also available on iTunes. Listen on iPhone or iPad by downloading from the App Store or listen on an Android Device using Stitcher, which you can download from here:

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