About the Book Tightwads on the Loose

The cover of Tightwads on the Loose

Tightwads on the Loose tells the story of Wendy and Garth, lured to sea by the promise of adventure. They buy a 31-foot boat that fits their budget better than it fits Garth’s large frame and set sail for an open-ended voyage, never imagining they’d be gone seven years, or cover 34,000 miles at the pace of a fast walk. They live without most “necessities” and learn that teamwork and a sense of humor matter most as they face endless “character-building opportunities.”

Tightwads on the Loose offers a fun read to the armchair adventurer — or anyone afflicted with wanderlust.

Tightwads on the Loose: A Seven Year Pacific Odyssey
by Wendy Hinman
ISBN 978-0984835003
In bookstores May 2012
Paperback edition 386 Pages
The book features photos, a book club reader’s guide and an interview with the author.

Available through the Tightwads on the Loose eStore, through your independent bookseller or Amazon.com.

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