Wendy Hinman at the 2025 Seattle Boat Show

Once again I look forward to participating in the Seattle Boat Show and selling/signing my books at Captain’s Nautical Supply booth up on the concourse.

Seattle Boat Show January 31-February 8, 2025.

Besides presenting, I will be selling and signing my books at Captain’s Nautical Supply booth on Fridays and weekend days, as well as women’s day on Monday 2/3/24 when women can get into the show for free.

I will be presenting on these dates, times, and topics:

Sunday February 2, 3:15pm Homebuilding a 38-foot Modern Wooden Sailboat

Wendy Hinman and Garth Wilcox sailed 34,000 miles aboard Velella, a light displacement 31-footer. Drawing on his skills as a professional naval architect and experience gleaned in a circumnavigation of the world in a 40-foot double ender that barely survived a shipwreck, Garth designed his dream cruising boat. Learn about the process they’ve undertaken to build a 38-foot boat in their backyard.

Monday February 3, 12-2pm Moderator, Becoming a Better Sailor Women’s Panel: Featuring a panel of women sailors with various levels of experience revealing how they evolved into the confident sailors they’ve become.

Friday February 7, 2pm Cruising the Inside Passage through BC and Alaska: Get a taste for the possibilities and how to make the most of the time you have to enjoy the glaciers, waterfalls, and hot springs; as well as wildlife including whales, bears, otters and more; and a native culture like no other place offers. This talk will include favorite spots, tips for trip planning, an overview of resources available, and potential pitfalls to help you prepare.

Saturday February 8, 11:15pm Living Without Refrigeration: Living without refrigeration may come out of choice or out of necessity. Even if you have refrigeration, it requires significant power, it can fail, and, of course, not everything can fit in such a tiny space. Wendy Hinman will share the wisdom she gathered during her 7-year 34,000 mile voyage without refrigeration. She discusses how to provision and eat well without refrigeration over extended cruises.

Saturday February 8, 12:15pm Homebuilding a 38-foot Modern Wooden Sailboat: Wendy Hinman and Garth Wilcox sailed 34,000 miles aboard Velella, a light displacement 31-footer. Drawing on his skills as a professional naval architect and experience gleaned in a circumnavigation of the world in a 40-foot double ender that barely survived a shipwreck, Garth designed his dream cruising boat. Learn about the process they’ve undertaken to build a 38-foot boat in their backyard.

Speaker Bio:
Wendy Hinman has published articles in a variety of publications and is the award-winning author of two hit books: Tightwads on the Loose and Sea Trials. She is a regular speaker at yacht clubs and boat shows around the country and her presentations are filled with examples and infused with humor. She grew up sailing and has cruised and raced in venues around the globe in all sorts of boats as skipper and crew, sometimes winning. She spent seven years at sea, sailing 34,000 miles aboard a small, simple boat and learned the most essential ingredient aboard is a good sense of humor. She and her husband Garth Wilcox are currently building a boat for more cruising adventures. www.wendyhinman.com

For more seminar details, visit:

To buy tickets: https://seattleboatshow.com/buy-tickets/

When she’s not presenting, you can find her autographing and signing books at the Captain’s Nautical Booth up on the concourse. Come pick up your guidebooks, tide books and take home some great sea stories.

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